2nd Sun Tan carries ALL size tanning lamps of 71”, 73”, 1.9M, 78”, 79” and 2M along with the hard to find 59”, 60”, 72”, 74” and Red Collagen lamps for your Red Light Therapy units.
The tanning lamp is probably the single most important element to your tanning unit. Having a better understanding of the function of the tanning lamp will allow you to offer the best level of service to your client.
There are 2 sets of lamps used in tanning beds, low pressure, and high pressure, although some units utilize both. Tanning lamps emit primarily UVA radiation with a small amount of UVB. The percentage of UVA and UVB is varied through lamp design by changing the phosphor composition. An electric current is passed through mercury vapor gas under low pressure, which then becomes ionized. Please find information for low and high pressure lamps below.
Low Pressure Lamp Information
Fluorescent lamps are the most prevalent in the tanning industry. These lamps vary in size; the average commercial tanning lamps are either 5 or 6 foot in length and range from 80 to 160 watts. Electrical contacts for lamps are found in two types: Bi-Pin and RDC (recessed double contact). Light output ranges across a wide spectrum, including UVA and UVB, plus infrared and visible light. All fluorescent lamps share the same basic design, a glass tube lined with a coating of phosphors, electrodes on the inside and end caps at each end to seal the lamp. To determine the proper lamp type for a particular piece of equipment, you are required to follow the manufacturer’s recommended lamp replacement guide posted on the equipment’s operation label. This information can also be found in the owner’s manual. Low pressure lamps’ output generally exceeds the sun’s natural intensity of the UV spectrum by 2-5 times. The UVA to UVB ratios is determined by the phosphor in the lamp. Other factors also will affect a lamp’s output, such as operating temperature, wattage, and lamp age in hours.
High Pressure Lamp Information
High pressure lamps are significantly different than low pressure lamps. Their size is small, averaging from 5 to 8 inches in length. They are primarily used as facial tanning lamps but are also used in equipment designed for full-body tanning. HP lamps are mercury vapor lamps. The wattage output ranges from 400 to 30,000 watts. The light output is 20 to 100 times that of the sun’s natural intensity. They also emit a wide spectrum of light beginning with short wave UVC through visible light. HID lamps require a filter glass, commonly known as “blue glass” to contain the output of the UVC spectrum. This filter glass must be present in order to operate or severe burning will occur. Cracked filter glass must be replaced before the unit can be energized. Cracked glass will allow dangerous levels of UVC and UVB to reach the client. Tanning systems utilizing HP lamps offer shorter overall exposure times, but extra care and maintenance must be observed.